Our Services
Denton, Dallas, Fort Worth Area Only
If you are in need of help Mind, Body, or Spirit, and can't afford the services. Please contact us. We sponsor people every month with services at no charge.
Bio-Magnetic Field Removing Blockages
Your Biomagnetic Field is the key to health and wellbeing. We carry bi-products in our Energetic Field causing blockages and susceptibility to disease, poor mental health, and disconnection. This is caused from disharmonious frequencies in our Bio Field which are sometimes obtained through trauma or our daily environments. Tuning forks or digital frequency, in specific frequencies are used to detect and move the blockages from the outer 5-6ft of your Bio Field back into your energy centers. This process allows your energy centers to naturally filter what may have been stuck in your energetic field for years, even a lifetime for some.
Sessions can last from 30 minutes to 1 hr depending on the session you choose.

*Tuning Fork Sessions are not suitable for pregnant women or people with electronic medical devices that cannot be removed, i.e. Pacemakers, Defibrillators, Cochlear Implants, etc
In-Person Session
Available Dallas/FortWorth Area Only
Video Sessions
Available Internationally
Solfeggio Tuning Forks 9 Energy Points
The Solfeggio scale, known as “Just Intonation”, is known for its use in ancient Gregorian chants. The 6-tone scale, and an additional 3 tones discovered since, is considered by many musicologists and scientists to have a positive effect on the mind and body. The history of these tones is fascinating, but the healing and balance the tones bring is uniquely powerful. Using Tuning Forks tuned to 174, 285, 396, 417, 528, 639, 741, 852, and 963 Hertz, on 9 major energy points around your body, you will experience a frequency of balance and calm that will transmute your energy into your perfect frequency.
Sessions can last from 30 minutes to 1 hr depending on the package you choose.

*Tuning Fork Sessions are not suitable for pregnant women or people with electronic medical devices that cannot be removed, i.e. Pacemakers, Defibrillators, Cochlear Implants, etc
In-Person Session
Available Dallas/FortWorth Area Only
Video Sessions
Available Internationally
Chakra Clearing With Crystal Bowls
In a Personal Energy & Chakra Clearing Session, Crystal Bowls are played in notes specific to the frequency you need to clear blocked energies, past trauma, and other related energy issues. Through the use of sound and light, we will work with your Chakra system to bring it into a harmonious frequency.
Sessions can last from 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on the package you choose.

In-Person Session
Available Dallas/FortWorth Area Only
30 min In-Person Session - $85.00
1 hr In-Person Session - $160.00
Video Sessions
Available Internationally
30min Personal Pre-Recorded Video - $99.00
Neuro-Linguistics & EM Field Clearing
With the stress of going to school keeping you distracted, your electromagnetic field can become overwhelmed with frequencies that make it hard to focus. Neuro-Linguistic Processing, explores your inner narrative. This technique will help you to prioritize your responsibilities, and balance them with your personal needs, to supercharge your focus. When you're stressed, your EM field can become vulnerable to frequencies that interrupt a healthy frequency. EM field clearing works to clear the frequency and strengthen any susceptibilities with tuning forks set to specific frequencies.
Sessions can last from 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on the package you choose.

In-Person Session
Available Dallas/FortWorth Area Only
10% Discount for TWU & UNT Students in the Denton, Texas area
1 hr In-Person Session - $160.00
2 hr In-Person Session - $280.00
Video Sessions
Available Internationally
5% Discount for TWU & UNT Students in the Denton, Texas area
1 hr Pre-Recorded Video Session - $160.00
2 hr Personal Video Chat Session - $280.00
Home / Building Frequency Clearing
The frequency of our homes and buildings can become dissonant for many reasons. Clearing the frequency with sound, light, and essential oil or tree resins is a very effective way to remove unwanted energies or frequencies and to bring a harmonious energy into your space. If you're moving into a new home / building or you have a history with your space, this session is a great way to cleanse and refresh your space.
Sessions can last from 1hr to several hours, depending on the size of your space.

Building / Office
Available Dallas/FortWorth Area Only
2501-3500sqft - $350
3501-4500sqft - $450
Over 4501 - Contact for Quote
Home / Apartment
1501-2500sqft - $250
2501-3500sqft - $350
3501-4500sqft - $450
Energy Healing for Animal Companions
Humans aren't the only ones with feelings! Animals are particularly sensitive to frequency and energy, they can pick-up on subtle energies in their environments and on their human companions. They have heightened sensory's which makes them vulnerable in some situations, but very responsive to energy healing. Our pets carry-on with stress and pain without being able to tell us about it. As an empath, I feel for areas of pain or discomfort and work with energy, crystals, sound, and touch to relax and calm their distress. I've found these techniques to be very effective, also when combined with other medical veterinary practices.
This is NOT for behavioral issues or training purposes. These techniques are used for healing and stress-relief in elderly pets or those suffering with pain, chronic pain, trauma, or pre & post surgery. This service is for the purpose of energy healing it is not intended to replace the need for a Veterinarian.

In-Person Sessions
Available Dallas/FortWorth Texas Area Only
1 hr In-Person Session (at your home)- $160.00
5 Weeks of 1 hr In-Person Sessions (at your home)- $750.00
1 hr In-Person Session (at your location)- $180.00
5 Weeks of In-Person Sessions (at your location)- $850.00
Video On-Demand
Available Internationally
Working with Your Animal Companions Energetic Field - $160.00
1 Custom Animal Companion Healing Kit - $220.00
Crystal Clearings
Animal Companion Healing Kit
Animal Companion Healing Kit
1 Bottle of Tea Tree Oil Spray
1 Spray Bottle for Charged Water
1 Cruelty-Free Medicine Feather - $75.00
Our Super Consciousness Mind is always at work. Knowing how to tap-into higher levels of consciousness empowers us to become better versions of ourselves. Historically, we've explored so many aspects of the human body on a physical level. Most of us have a good understanding of how our bodies work, but many of us weren't given an understanding of how powerful our conscious and sub-conscious minds are. We are much more than simply physical beings.
In this 10 week program, we will explore a variety of techniques to develop your Super Conscious Mind and connections. Using NLP Techniques, Reiki, Meditations, Metaphysics, and Esoteric Knowledge, we will unlock your potential and open your mind.
Sessions last 1 hour

In-Person Session
Available Dallas/FortWorth Area Only
Video On-Demand
Available Internationally
Live Chakra Clearing for Groups & Events
In a Group Energy & Chakra Clearing Session, Crystal Bowls are played in notes specific to the frequency your Proctor feels is needed to most effectively clear collective blockages, and to activate the chakra centers of all in attendance. Live Bowls are a powerful way to bring connection among those who share the frequency.
Sessions can last 45 minutes

In-Person Session
Available Dallas/FortWorth Area Only
We currently offer two powerful workshops to focus your mental energies to find success and connection in relationships, success in areas of your life, to promote wellness, and to create a inner-narrative that is healthy and supportive.
Focus Partnership - Connection in Relationship (4weeks of 1hr sessions)
Dating or married couples can benefit from the simple techniques shared in this course. Understand your expectations, connection, compassion level, and more.
Focus Self - Personal Narrative (4weeks of 1hr sessions)
Your personal narrative delegates if you are happy or sad, successful or unsuccessful, well or unwell. In this class we will explore your personal narrative and work on ways of creating the inner-narrative that supports the best version of you
Sessions last 1 hour

In-Person Session
Available Dallas/FortWorth Area Only
Video Sessions
Available Internationally